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Humanities Undergraduate Outreach Project

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 12 years, 3 months ago
Project Team Leader: Kristin Cornelius (CSUN local chapter leader).

Other people who have expressed an interest (including also those who expressed in interest in the Pathways of Life Project:
  • Chris Newfield (possible project team co-leader form UCSB local chapter after the summer)
  • Linda Adler-Kassner
  • Cole Coihen
  • Mary Jane Davis
  • Claudio Fogu
  • Jen Hammerschmidt
  • Kevin Kearney
  • Harold Marcuse
  • Adrianna Simone
  • Ann Taves
  • Miriam Wattles
  • Jen Hammerschmidt


Projects Underway

  • [update from Kristin Cornelius, June 4, 2012]
    "When I return . . . I will have quite a few updates for you and your group! Expect to hear from me that week about our Undergraduate Showcase/First-Year Feature Project (we extended the deadline, so we are still receiving submissions this week), my video documentary project for which I interviewed you (including my presentation at DHSI), and our 4Humanities camera update (Scott is in charge of the Jane Minogue fund, so it is a matter of whether or not private donors need to mail him a check, or donate online through his DH Center's system). Also, by the end of next month, I should have that mini-documentary of my other presentation here for my chapter to use, or any other chapters to use as an example. Lastly, I've been talking to some people here, and have some ideas for other outlets for some of these promotional materials."

  • "Undergraduate Showcase" (produced by Kristin Cornelius, California State University, Northridge)
    [update from Krisiin Cornelius, May 2, 2012]:
    "Undergraduate Showcase" (with a section called the "First-Year Feature"), at CSUN is a preliminary start to our work for this group. I realize there are a few different project ideas in our group, so I thought I'd keep everyone updated on my progress with my project at CSUN, and then if is interested in doing something similar at their institution, they can let me know and we can make this one idea inter-institutional.
              CSUN's "Undergraduate Showcase" seeks to bring attention to the digital work being done by undergraduate students at CSUN. CSUN's new Center for the Digital Humanities' website will host a section called "Undergraduate Showcase" that will provide links and brief descriptions of five exemplary student projects, with a sub-section called "First-Year Feature" that will highlight the best project done by a first-year student. Below you'll find more details in the copy of the email we sent out to our department for submissions:
            The CSUN College of Humanities currently offers several courses that facilitate the creation of digital projects by students, including the different levels of freshman writing that comprise the new Stretch curriculum. In order to provide public recognition for the exemplary work being done by CSUN students, the Center for the Digital Humanities (http://www.csun.edu/digitalhumanities/) is creating an “Undergraduate Digital Showcase” for the best student projects. The program is being undertaken as part of the Humanities Undergraduate Outreach Project of the 4Humanities initiative (http://humanistica.ualberta.ca/), a multi-institution consortium that advocates for the Humanities.
            The Undergraduate Digital Showcase will display five of the best student projects on the Center for the Digital Humanities web site, and the showcase may also be duplicated on the 4Humanities site. A “First-Year Feature” subcategory will highlight the most outstanding digital project by a first-year student on a subject in the Humanities or a closely related field. All formats are accepted, and projects can either be individually or collaboratively authored. Projects must be nominated by a faculty member.
            We are now accepting nominations of student projects completed for any course in the College of Humanities during the 2011-2012 academic year. To nominate a student project from one of your classes, please e-mail the student name and the project URL, or send the project as an attachment if it is not web based) to Scott Kleinman, Director of the Center for the Digital Humanities (scott.kleinman@csun.edu). Please check that your students agree to having their work made public in the showcase before nominating their projects. The deadline for nominations is May 15th, 2012."

  • [email from Chris Newfield, May 15, 2012]:
    "I had the students in my fall course called "Global California" write memoir/analyses of their experiences as college students in a period of budget cuts.  Most of them were humanities majors, and reflected on that dimension as well.
            I'd like to collect this batch of papers (maybe half of the 30 or so I received) and publish them as an e-volume, a window into what students think is going on with them today, with the added dimension of using their hum training as a source of analytical insight.  The papers would need to be edited, and I could write an introduction about the project.
            I've attached three papers to give you a sense of what they are like. Most have said that they would be willing to revise."



Paradigms for Presenting Advocacy

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