
Humanities Infographics Project

Page history last edited by Lindsay 12 years, 9 months ago


This is a planning page for the Humanities Infographics Project.  Project Team: Lindsay Thomas (leader), Alan Liu, Dana Solomon, Zach Horton, Gary Colmenar




Gather and present statistics on the impact of the humanities - economic or otherwise - in the form of infographics. This project is inspired by Melissa Terras’s (Deputy Director of the UCL Centre for the Digital Humanities, 4Humanities coordinator) recent digital humanities infographics, and, like that project, our infographics would visualize the importance of the arts and humanities in an informative yet aesthetically-pleasing manner. Like the Humanities Showcase project, this project could act as a stand-alone project as well as a background resource for other humanities advocacy projects.


Project Materials


  1. HIP: Infographics Brainstorming Page
    1. Use to list new infographic ideas
  2. HIP: Resources
    1. Lists of resources for gathering information
  3. Humanities In Your Town Infographic spreadsheet

Planning Notes


Resources and Analogous Projects


Plan of Action: (last updated May 3, 2012) 

  1. Brainstorm ideas for infographics
    1. Go over group's preliminary brainstorming from meeting last quarter: Humanities in the University Infographic 
    2. Post brainstorming ideas on project brainstorming page
  2. Narrow ideas to one or two infographics to start
    1. Create spreadsheet for each one.
  3. Gather and store statistics
    1. Collect statistics on infographics spreadsheet page (Ex: Humanities in the University spreadsheet)
    2. Ask for help/feedback via 4Humanities site?
    3. Create online polls for information gathering?
  4. Design and produce infographics
    1. Melissa Terras has volunteered the services of the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities' graphic designer
    2. Design our own using InDesign?
  5. Publicize the infographics
    1. Publish on 4Humanities site
    2. twitter
    3. Solicit public feedback to create new infographics


Next Steps (revised 5/5/12):

Meeting recap: We have decided to begin with the Humanities in Your Town infographic, focusing on comparative maps of CA humanities institutions (libraries, universities, museums, and theaters) from their "high point" of funding (in late 1970s, early 1980s?) and from the present day.

  1. Lindsay to do preliminary research into Humanities in Your Town to discover resources for further research and what year marks a natural "high water mark."
  2. Lindsay to create a page for gathering potential information sources.
  3. Split into research groups by institution and start gathering information.




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