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HIP: Resources

Page history last edited by Lindsay 12 years, 4 months ago
This is page of potential resources for the Humanities Infographics Project. Add your resource to the list!


Information Resources for "Humanities in Your Town" (California) Infographic:


  1. Find the data



  1. Humanities Indicators
    1.  Undergraduate and Graduate Education in the Humanities



  1. American Library Association State Fact Sheets
  2. Institute of Museum and Library Services Public Libraries in the United States Survey
  3. Institute of Museum and Library Services State Library Agency Survey
  4. Humanities Indicators Project: Humanities Funding and Research (including federal, state and private funding for universities, libraries, and the arts)
  5. Humanities Indicators Project: The Humanities in American Life (including data on public libraries and historic sites and art museum attendance)
  6. California State Library Statistics



  1. American Association of Museums sample Economic Impact Statements
  2. Institute of Museum and Library Services Museum Count (forthcoming summer 2012; national resource for statistics on museums)
  3. Humanities Indicators Project: The Humanities in American Life (including data on public libraries and historic sites and art museum attendance)



Visualization/Infographics Examples:

  1. Quantifying the Digital Humanities 
  2. Information is Beautiful Awards
  3. Many Eyes

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