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HIP: Infographics Brainstorming Page

Page history last edited by Lindsay 12 years, 5 months ago
This is our project brainstorming page. Post your ideas for future infographics here in the following format: 

Infographic Title: short description of infographic

  1. Field 1
    1. Preliminary resources/stats/contacts
  2. Field 2
  3. Field 3, etc.

Notes, additional info, etc.


Humanities in the University: Describes activities/impact of humanities on public universities. Go to spreadsheet to collect stats.

  1. Map of CHCI + UCHRI Humanities Centers
  2. Investment in Humanities Centers
  3. Decline in NEH Funding
  4. UC Case Study: Number of students who are humanities majors, number of students who take humanities classes, decline in UC funding for humanities (compare to sciences?) - Start with English Depts at UC campuses
  5. What do the Humanities Do? (activities of humanities centers on campuses) 

This would be a single infographic with interconnected individual infographics for each field (similar to the Quantifying DH infographic).


Humanities in Your Town: Describes local (perhaps CA only) "humanities outreach" institutions and programs (library reading groups, public humanities centers, museums, etc.)

  1. Map of towns with community reading programs
    1. 53 libraries participating in 2012 CA Reads Program, over $400,000 in grants awarded (CA Reads): http://www.calhum.org/grants/california-reads-grant 
  2. Comparative chart of different kinds of public humanities institutions (museums, clubs, etc.) from different years.
  3. Some kind of stat about humanities in elementary schools/humanities programs for kids?

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