
Outreach 4Humanities Minutes 1

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 12 years, 7 months ago

April 17, 2012


Minutes from Outreach 4Humanities Project Meeting #1

  1. New Name: Outreach 4Humanities

  2. Interview Info

    1. Keep the interviews simple. We want to stress the simplicity of the messages. We should have variance with the presentations, especially if we want to target students with our videos. We will start small/locally with our interviews. We will depend on the IHC camera.

    2. 3 minute interviews, no longer than 7 minutes.

      1. Text & multi-media format encouraged. Solicit email comments, and if we like the responses, we can schedule an in-person recording.

    3. All interviews will be on an Outreach 4Humanities website. We want a nice presentation that is unified. Alan suggested a design. Adrianna is in charge of visualizing the design and presenting it to the members of the committee at the next meeting.

      1. Some examples that we might base our website design on:

        1. British Arts website

        2. Host our site on Omeka website

    4. Need camera equipment in order to record interviews on other campuses. We also need more editors. Spread the word with Film and Media graduate students to join our project.

      1. Dan and Ann are going to send an email out to the Film and Media email listserv.

      2. Dan will also talk to graduate students and find someone to replace him as he is moving.

    5. Discussed the possibility of creating a 4Humanities Youtube channel where interview audios will be available with images and texts about the person interviewed.

      1. Dan and Kristen take the lead on creating a Youtube video of the Annie Leonard interview. Adrianna coordinates with them.

      2. Lindsay will create the Youtube channel for us.

    6. Communications

      1. Emails

      2. PB wiki site

  3. Interviews

    1. Annie Leonard from A&L series

      1. What we still need:

        1. Standard release/consent form (copy the A&L version?). Ann will supply this, and upload it to our dropbox folder.

        2. Do we want to transcribe this interview? Adrianna volunteered for this if there is an interest/need.

    2. Dan is taking lead on our second interview—a nonhumanist academic scientist.

    3. Ann is in charge of the A&L series. She will get copies of the interviews for us.

    4. Recruit parents, especially successful parents, for interviews.

  4. Kristen’s Projects (information was emailed out about her projects by Alan)

    1. Freshmen Feature

    2. Documentary Backpack Project

  5. Next Meeting

    1. Doodle poll has been created for a June meeting: http://www.doodle.com/9gsaia8mthnwncwh



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