
Planning Notes for Humanities Showcase Project

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 11 years, 10 months ago
This is the original planning page for the Humanities Showcase Project
For the current active developers FAQ page for the Humanities Showcase, go here.
Project Team: Alan Liu (leader), Linda Adler-Kassner, Eileen Boris, Cole Cohen, Leslie Hammer, Jen Hammerschmidt, Pax Hehmeyer, Zach Horton, Lindsay Thomas, Bill Warner.




Gather and present high-impact examples of humanities research (and teaching) in various formats.  (A prototype is the UC humanities and social science showcase examples mocked up by Alan Liu for the UC Commission on the Future's working group on Research Strategies.)  The showcase could take the form of a database of blurbs and images that can be used to create posters, brochures, online OMEKA exhibits, and other kinds of static or interactive displays.  The showcase would act as both a stand-alone project and as a background resource for other advocacy projects (e.g., providing examples that could be referred to in humanities advocacy speeches or embedded in other humanities advocacy projects). 


Project Products to Date


  • Suggested Humanities Showcase Examples -- Table for collecting examples on this PBWorks site.  (Currently, this site is on the $99/year PBWorks "Classroom Edition" pricing plan.)
  • 4Humanities site(s) on Omeka.net -- Online platform for building interactive, multimedia exhibitions.  (Currently, 4Humanities has a $99/year "Silver" pricing plan on Omeka.net.  There is currently one site on the 4Humanities account called "Humanities Showcase" (public view).  (Access to the admin dashboard for the site may be requested from 4Humanities members from Alan Liu.)


Planning Notes


Resources and Analogous Projects:


Plan of Action: (last updated after meetings of project group on April 25 and May 2, 2012) 

  1. Research suitable examples of humanities research (and teaching)
    1. Alan to contact research projects included in his "UC Humanities and Social Science Showcase Examples" mock-up to seek any necessary permissions to feature their work and images in our showcase.
    2. Pax Hehmeyer to create an example for the showcase from the EBBA (English Broad Ballads Archive) Project
    3. Our project group to research other examples from other locations nationally and internationally
      1. Research examples through online means
      2. Contact people in our personal networks and ask for examples
      3. Lindsay Thomas, Pax Hehmeyer, and Dana Solomon to collect examples at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, June 8-12 (e.g., by creating a flyer and sign-up sheet at DHSI)
      4. Jennifer Hammerschmidt to act as international talent scout, gathering and recruiting examples from other nations.
  2. Gather and store examples
    1. Collect examples in the format of an image plus blurb on this PBWorks site (now upgraded to $99/year Classroom plan)
    2. In the first stage, we can aim only for a relatively small pilot group of examples.
  3. Vet examples
    1. Ask the rest of 4Humanities@RFG to rate the collection of examples
    2. Ask focus groups of the "public" to rate the collection of examples
    3. Use polling / voting plugin (possible tools) (perhaps use PollEverywhere or Polldaddy)
  4. Create presentation products for the examples, including:
    1. An online exhibition site built in OMEKA.net (paid plan)
      1. Omeka for exhibition sites (installed locally on an English Dept. virtual server)

        (For a good intro and case study in how to set up an Omeka site, see Jason Kucsma, et al., "Using Omeka to Build Digital Collections: The METRO Case Study" (D-Lib 16.3-4 (2010)
      2. Create standard format of image and blurb, but add links in the blurb to "more" and "related" that will lead the public to added dimensions of the example
    2. A poster series
    3. Possibly create follow-up videos
      1. Interviews with researchers or students involved in the examples
      2. Video site visits or demos of research projects
  5. Publicize the above presentation products
    1. Newsletters?
    2. RSS feeds
    3. "mememify" the products (through Twitter and Facebook)
  6. Create public engagement and feedback mechanisms
    1. As a general principle, effective presentation of humanities research examples should include a means of soliciting and presenting public feedback
    2. Mount an event in 2012-13 that would be like a humanities research slam with invited members of the community to give feedback.  Show the products of the humanities research examples there.


Next Steps:

  1. Alan to contact the rest of the project team who couldn't make the first two team meetings
  2. Alan to create page on PBWorks site to gather examples
  3. Group to begin research and gather examples
  4. Alan to purchase licenses for PBWorks classroom plan and OMEKA paid plan
  5. Need permission form for using examples (non-exclusive, world media right to use their image)


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